Aging & Longevity

Mosaic Aging

When one thinks of something that is mosaic they may think of a pattern which is made up of small pieces of broken colored glass or stone that is held together by plaster. The name, “Mosaic aging” has been coined as the pattern of various changes in the body that occur at different times and rates (Walkera LC, Herndon JG, 2010). Although there are different changes that occur, one can still alter the pattern within by modifying diet, lifestyle and adding exercise into their daily regimen to modify destiny. 

Because of the similarities of living bodies, mosaic aging has been predicted to produce a similar trend in aging, but with a wide diversity of specialized features for each person. Of course this depends on genetics, one’s lifestyle, diet, how they handle stress and exercise. During the aging process, each person experiences a collection of unique physical and functional effects. 

Mosaic aging helps to explain the miscellaneous changes from one organism to the next at random. For example, there are certain individuals that will live long lives into their 80’s and 90’s, being healthy both physically and mentally. On the other hand, there are individuals that age faster and their health may diminish more quickly.

It is believed that mosaic aging could be studied more closely within the body tissues and cells to determine biomarkers effecting particular body systems such as the endocrine, urogenital, gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune systems.

Senescence is a part of mosaic aging, where through the aging process, cells lose their power to divide and grow normal. One factor that mediates it is cellular oxidative stress produced by free radicals (Sohal RS, 2002), although it may not operate that way in a set pattern. Oxidative stress may affect certain body systems different than others and is quite complex to understand. 

What factors can improve the mosaic pattern of aging? 

The diet may have a major effect on aging. Research has shown that older adults that eat a poorer, monotonous diet with less variety and quality of foods reduce nutrient intake causing a lower consumption of protein and micronutrients (Robinson SM, 2018; Bartali B et al, 2003). The problems may occur because of physical limitations where individuals are unable to go out and shop for high quality food. This can cause problems at the cellular level and also increase the risk of health conditions during the aging process. In addition, research shows that calorie restriction is beneficial to extending lifespan. It has an impact on metabolic rate and assisting to hold back elevated free radical levels (Lee S-H, Min K-J et al, 2013). 

Exercise is also critically important. There has been much research to demonstrate the benefits of increasing lifespan. A longevity study was performed with individuals between the ages of 40-79 (Mok A et al, 2019).. Those individuals that intensely exercised had a greater chance of not dying early and prevented 46% less deaths..

In summary, mosaic aging is the pattern of various changes in the body that occur at different times and rates. It is a fascinating area of research, studying aging at the cellular level of different body systems. Although there is a pattern, there is still an opportunity to change its destiny. Healthy eating, restricting calories and exercise are beneficial to increasing lifespan.

This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Individuals with health concerns or on medication should check with their health care practitioner before trying any new type of eating plan . 

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